Ashley Cecil Studio @ The SHOP
Larimer Seniors traveled to The SHOP in Homewood to visit the studio of Artist Ashley Cecil. Ashley showed them her work and led them through a short printmaking workshop.
Frank, Tony, Betty & Dee waiting in the rear entrance for the tour to begin.
Moving into the Hall of Sculpture. Our tour guide Alice is super knowledgeable and friendly.
Alice taking us through the Grand Staircase.
Inside the Hillman Hall of Minerals and Gems.
Saying goodbye to Alice, the seniors see her off with a bunch of affection and hugs.
Carnegie Museum of Art Gift Shop.
On our way back to the bus, we cut through 200 million year old dinosaur bones.
Group Picture of The Larimer Senior Group at Phipps.
On route to Phipps via bus.
Great tour guides for our visit.
Betty and Mary taking in the greenery.
Mr. Tony said that the last time he was at Phipps was in the 1930s when it was free to enter.
Back at The EECO Center to have lunch, decompress and talk about highlights and ways to improve our next adventure!