We’re happy to announce that we are now sponsored by New York Foundation for The Arts (NYFA). Your contributions are deductible as NYFA is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. Click the Donate button above to give or learn more.

Your generous donations will directly fund the creation and printing of The Larimer Times Newsletter for an additional two years. By donating, you will also receive a print copy of all past and future issues. What’s more, your contribution with support:

  • Transportation for group field trips to various cultural organizations in the region, including The Mattress Factory Museum of Art, Cleveland Art Museum, and Falling Water (to name a few).

  • Time and space to create a conceptual design and implementation plan for a new work of temporary public art.

  • Healthy monthly luncheon options from a range of local restaurants.

  • Transportation to and from field trip sites.

  • Administration costs for organizing trips, projects and communication with the seniors.